Rx for America
by Lawrence Kadish • October 31, 2024 at 3:45 pm

Now would be a good time to recall the words of Benjamin Franklin, who was instrumental in the founding of our great nation. When asked what type of government we would have, he cautioned, "A republic, if you can keep it..." Pictured: Benjamin Franklin, circa 1750. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
In the autumn of 2024, there are many things to consider about the future of our nation, as citizens of the greatest nation on earth will soon be exercising their right to choose our next leader.
Among the challenges:
The fate of 21st century nations will rise or fall based on their access to energy. Those leaders who fail to see this simple but stark reality will preside over the decline and fall of their nation.
As a result, the United States faces a crucial decision this Election Day: Which president will recognize that truth and act upon it in a world where enemy states seek to control strategic energy reserves?