I’m not trying to scare you, John, but get a look at our recent fundraising numbers:

We’re less than a week from Election Day, and we’ve still got a lot we need to accomplish between now and Tuesday — and that’s not even including trick-or-treating.
Retaking the House next week will require we do two things, John:
1) We need to flip vulnerable GOP-held seats.
2) We MUST defend blue seats like KY-03.
Every blue seat we lose is an additional red seat we need to flip to retake the House, so we can’t afford to slow down now.
So before you hit the streets, or start a scary movie, can you chip in a quick $25 (or whatever fits your budget) toward our $50,000 End-of-Month fundraising goal before midnight?
We don’t want to wake up on November 6th wishing we’d done more, John, so let’s give it all we’ve got.
Happy Halloween!
—Morgan McGarvey