Keep CA-25 blue!

SUPPORT CHRISTY SMITH This is what we’re up against today, John.

Rather than securing PPE for healthcare workers, spearheading a national COVID-19 testing program, or supporting economic relief efforts for American families, Donald Trump is wasting time tweeting baseless attacks about today’s election for Christy Smith.

Here’s how we’re going to fight back and keep this seat Blue:

If you’re in CA-25: please send in your ballot today! Christy explains how to safely and securely vote in today’s election here: VOTE IN CA-25 If you’re NOT in CA-25 and want to keep this seat Blue: there’s still time left! Here are 3 easy ways you can do your part — VOLUNTEER ONLINE SEND A TWEET POST ABOUT CHRISTY This is the last special election until November 3rd and every minute counts. We need to do everything we can to keep this seat Blue and keep a Democratic majority in Congress.

Go Christy!

-CA DEM Field Team

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Paid for by the California Democratic Party and authorized by Christy Smith for Congress and Elizabeth Romero for State Senate.
California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States