Happy Halloween! Today is always kind of a weird day in politics—we don’t usually get many trick-or-treaters where I live, but honestly, at this time of year, I’m usually the one out knocking on doors.
(And the only treat I’m looking for is commitments to vote blue up and down the ballot… although I definitely wouldn’t say no to some Reese’s)
And with just five days to go in this race, honestly, I’m worried about much spookier things than ghosts and goblins right now. The real spooks and ghouls are on your ballot—with the letter R next to their name.
Because the scariest thing of all is what the Republican Party has done with our state over the last decade of legislative control, and the things they’ll do if voters don’t turn out and change the path North Carolina is on.
They’ve passed business-killing culture war bills like HB2.
They’ve gutted our public education system to give tax breaks to their corporate friends.
They’ve paid for everything in cash when interest rates were low, depleting our reserves and driving us to the edge of a fiscal cliff.
And if he’s elected Treasurer, my opponent has vowed to hand his power over to a bunch of political hacks chosen by his friends in the legislature—the same ones who’ve been mismanaging our state for more than a decade—so that they can play the exact same partisan games with our pension plan.
But it’s Halloween! Halloween is a holiday about thresholds, the difference between good and evil, light and dark, life and death. It sits at the turning of the year, as the days grow dark and we look to the harvest and wintertime. And in that spirit, we ask ourselves to make a choice. Do we give in to darkness and despair, or do we fight for a better, brighter tomorrow?
I know what I’m choosing. In five days, I hope we’ll see the rest of our state choose the same way—and I’m confident that we will, if we can keep fighting and get our voters out to the polls in these critical final days. Right now, my campaign is laser-focused on directly contacting Democrats who haven’t voted yet to make sure they know about our campaign and have a plan to get out to the polls, and if we can reach all of them, we will win.
But I need your support to make that happen. If you can give $25, $50, or $100, it’ll go a long way toward funding our ability to directly reach our voters, make sure they make their voices heard, and transform our state. Can I count on you, John? These final days will make the difference in our race.