Urgent call to action. It’s a hard government deadline. The NIH may approve more water deprivation and cocaine tests. Read below to take action or unsubscribe.
Hey Taxpayer… this happens TODAY!!!
Everything you need to know is below.
And here’s the secure link you need to chip in to Sunny's Fund before 11:59 pm.
Please help the NIH 20 and more!
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Kailey Mauro Investigator White Coat Waste Project |
He wasn’t named. He was referred to only as “Subject S” by his captors.
So, we’re giving him one… his name is Sunny.
Taxpayer, 20 of his friends urgently need your help RIGHT NOW.
In just over 36 hours, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) may ram through a new round of water-deprivation and cocaine experiment funding. Help!
Hard Govt Deadline: Follow this secure link to chip in $2 (only ten cents per monkey!)—or as much as you can—to stop payout #R01MH118257, support all our life-saving work, and save the “NIH 20.”
(T) Actual screenshot from NIH RePORTER—our government’s database of payouts for animal experiments. (B) Actual protocol showing the "NIH 20," obtained via the Freedom of Information Act.
Save 20 Monkeys!
Stop Payout #R01MH118257
Taxpayer, I personally uncovered this evil experiment.
And what I learned about Sunny’s NIH-funded lab is absolutely frightening.
Actual lab papers describing water deprivation and gambling tests, as written by Sunny’s captors.
Save Sunny’s Friends!
Stop Payout #R01MH118257
Taxpayer, I’ve combed through every word of Sunny’s torment.
I thought I’d seen it all…
But just a few days ago, I received new information via the Freedom of Information Act.
And what I’m about to tell you will sink your heart even further into your stomach.
Actual protocol describing cocaine, written by Sunny’s captors.
Sunny’s friends will be forcibly addicted to cocaine.
Taxpayer, that’s what's going to happen if we lose this campaign and NIH's payout is renewed.
It's why we won’t give up on Sunny.
It’s also why we just started a rapid response campaign in his honor: Sunny’s Fund.
Taxpayer, Sunny is also part of the NIH’s Recycling Program.
When testing ends, your government refuses to retire its lab primates.
Instead, it traffics spent monkeys from one lab to another lab, experiment to experiment, until they’re no longer “useful.”
Sunny was locked up, tortured, and “recycled” through gambling experiments for over TEN YEARS! He’s never known life outside of a lab.
Block Payout #R01MH118257
Taxpayer, we took Sunny’s story to Senator Rand Paul.
He said: “NIH…gambled that this monkey study was a good use of taxpayer funds. I’m not a gambling man, but I’d bet, with confidence, that the American taxpayers disagree.”
He’s right! Now we must get this investigation to all 535 Republicans and Democrats in Congress, the international media, and—if necessary—the courts.
Unfortunately, we’re going to need a lot more help to save all 20 primates in the next 36 hours. This is a hard government deadline. And we haven’t covered our budget!
So please, please, PLEASE rush whatever you can afford today.
Ten years is long enough. Let’s ensure this was Sunny’s last gamble.
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Claudia Taylor Investigator White Coat Waste Project |
Save 20 Monkeys!
P.S. Taxpayer, we only have a little more than 36 hours. NIH may renew more water deprivation and cocaine tests. Sunny’s Fund is the solution. Here’s your secure link to chip in. Thanks