
While Steve King is doing what he does best (posting memes on Facebook and sharing wild conspiracy theories), J.D. has been speaking with local and national news outlets, proving himself to be the leader Iowa’s 4th District needs.

He’s spoken about his plans for getting through this pandemic, his vision for the future of our food and agriculture systems, his frustration with the current administration’s policies benefiting big business and multinational corporations, and more.

Check out some of J.D.’s latest interviews -- read and share where you can to spread his message and remind folks who the best candidate for Congress in our district is! And if you can, chip in $5 or whatever you can to his campaign to make sure we have new leadership in IA-04 this fall!
Iowa Starting Line: J.D. Scholten: Food Supply Chain Doesn't Have to be so Fragile
The American Prospect: Unsanitized: J.D. Scholten on How to Revitalize Our Broken Food Systems
The Intercept: Small Farms, Already Stressed and Underfunded, Struggle for Federal Coronavirus Relief
The Hill: Iowa congressional candidate: 'Travesty' that meatpacking workers haven't had protective equipment

J.D. has already proven to be the leader our district needs, while Steve King continues to share conspiracy theories online. Support J.D. in his efforts to defeat Steve King and elect a leader who will Stand Tall for All Iowans! Thanks for supporting J.D. and our campaign!

-- Team Scholten

P.S. We wanted to share this headline as well -- always nice to have some good news during this time.
The Economist: Steve King, Iowa’s most noxious politician, looks vulnerable
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Paid for by Scholten4Iowa Campaign Committee

P.O. Box 3531
Sioux City, IA 51102