From ADL Washington, D.C. <[email protected]>
Subject Connect 3 Resources for You
Date May 12, 2020 6:03 PM
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May 12, 2020

Dear John,

This week&rsquo;s focus for Connect 3 is Understanding Bias, which includes resources about how bias is universal, the science behind it, and how we see and experience bias in our everyday lives.

1: Students

What&rsquo;s the difference between implicit and explicit bias? How can I challenge bias in myself and others? You can use
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these activities to explore examples of everyday bias in the news and in your own experience, and to learn a few strategies.


2: Teachers

Where does bias come from? Our mini lesson for educators,
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What is Bias? , helps you explore the differences between explicit and implicit bias and learn how to address bias in our everyday lives.


3: Families and Communities

There is a long history of discrimination against groups of people based on identity. Our Table Talk family discussion guide,
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What is Everyday Bias? will help you engage your family in a conversation about what bias is, the impact of it on others and what you can do about it.


Be well and stay safe.

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