Alright, folks, with less than a week before Election Day, let's talk about the Elon in the room.

You may have seen clips of Elon Musk skipping around the stage at a Trump rally, calling himself “dark MAGA,” and dangling million-dollar checks in front of swingvoters like they're seals at the zoo.
Or maybe you’ve heard about the “business genius” who drove one of the world’s most valuable social media companies into near-irrelevance and financial ruin in only two years.
As despicable and, frankly, embarrassing as his public antics are, they’re nothing compared to Elon’s next move should his election-buying scheme succeed.
Before I go on, I want to be clear: Elon Musk is exploiting our democracy for personal gain. Chip in $25 to elect a courageous Democratic Majority that will hold people like Elon accountable instead of kissing his ring.
It’s worth reflecting on how we got to this point, folks.
The truth is, the Trump Era has been a Golden Age for all manner of grifters, scammers, liars, con-artists, conspiracy peddlers, and power-hungry hypocrites. And given his constant self-aggrandizement, empty promises, and abusive behavior, Elon fits right in with the traveling MAGA circus.
Here’s the thing: A guy like Elon doesn’t drop $100+ million just to support his pal Donald Trump. He expects something in return.
And that "something" is unquestioned, unrestrained, unlimited wealth and power.
No taxes, no auto regulations, no environmental regulations, no unions, no minimum wage, no workplace safety requirements, no laws, period.
He wants to silence voices that speak truth to power (this guy cannot take criticism). And he wants to manipulate you into electing leaders who serve HIM, not us.
And he wants it without that pesky Bill of Rights getting in the way.
If Donald Trump wins, people like Elon Musk will exploit and undermine and weaponize our system until there’s nothing left.
If we accept that, we've already lost.
That’s why we need to elect leaders who aren’t afraid to stand up to these cruel, vengeful, fragile bullies and hold their feet to the fire. So please, will you pitch in $25 to elect a Democratic Majority and show the world that nobody is above the law in the United States of America?
Thank you for reading.
Sean Casten |