I will not go around hustling rich people for campaign contributions

Friends -

2.5 million.

That’s how many individual donations our campaign has received so far.

It’s also a number we did not reach until shortly before the Iowa Caucus last campaign. I am very proud of that fact. You should be too.

But despite a record number of individual donations, there are still a few candidates who out-raised us last quarter, most of them relying on big checks and high-dollar fundraisers to boost their totals.

Well, we don’t do that on this campaign. This is going to be a campaign powered by working people and young people, because that is exactly who we are going to be fighting for in the White House.

But in order to make sure we don’t get beat again, we are holding a short fundraising drive. It ends tonight at midnight. And before it does, I have to ask:

Can you make your first $2.70 online contribution to our campaign before tonight at midnight? Help us close the gap on our opponents’ fundraising before the next FEC deadline.

On this campaign, we are not only taking on Donald Trump. We are not only taking on our primary opponents. We are taking on the health insurance and drug companies, the military and prison industrial complex, the fossil fuel industry and more.

They will spend unlimited sums of money to defeat us.

And indeed, they have already started.

But if we stick together — if we keep fighting with one $2.70 contribution at a time — then we are going to win.

So please, make your first contribution before this fundraising drive ends:


Thank you for showing up and for chipping in. This is our campaign, and your support means a lot to me.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders