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The National Organization for Women (NOW) is proud to endorse Jerry Nadler because he has spent his entire career fighting for women’s rights.

Even when it’s hard, we can always count on Jerry to defend women’s access to the full range of reproductive health services and fight right-wing efforts to deny women their fundamental freedom and autonomy.

In times like this, with Republicans becoming more and more extreme, knowing Jerry will advocate for what’s right is so important.

If you can afford it, click here to join the National Organization of Women by donating to support Jerry’s campaign!
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Beyond his impressive voting record, Jerry also has been at the forefront of structural reform that expands the rights of women and fights structural sexism in all of its forms.

Last year, he introduced a bill ensuring pregnant women are afforded protection against workplace discrimination and led hearings to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.

Instead of simply relying on what had been done, Jerry pushed hard to ensure the new version included steps to strengthen legal protections for the LGBTQ+, Native Americans, and immigrant women.

He also worked to make it harder for people convicted of domestic violence crimes to acquire firearms and expanded grant funding for training and prevention programs.

We are proud to support Jerry Nadler as a champion for women’s rights. Join us by rushing a donation now!

Supporting women shouldn’t be a partisan issue, but all too often it is.

Republicans know their extreme base cares more about imposing their personal morality on the rest of us than actually upholding Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. That’s why it’s important that we defend champions of women’s rights like Jerry.

Thank you for supporting women,

Toni Van Pelt
National Organization for Women Political Action Committee

Jerry Nadler is a Representative to Congress who works for the voters of New York City’s 10th Congressional District. As Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerry has oversight over some of the most important issues facing America. Jerry strongly believes in justice for all and a democracy that represents people, not special interests. Click here to chip in and help Jerry keep fighting for us in Congress.



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Nadler for Congress
200 W. 79th Street, #8N
New York, NY 10024
United States