Hello John,
What can Richard Nixon teach us about statesmanship in an age of media misinformation?
To answer this question...
Join Vivek Ramaswamy and ISI president Johnny Burtka for a discussion on the legacy of our 37th President, how he faced the challenges of media spin and public perception—and why Vivek thinks conservatives should embrace the “Nixon Doctrine” today.

In this week's installment of Daring Greatly with Johnny Burtka, you’ll learn more about Nixon’s political resolve and pragmatic realism . . . the need for a statesman to possess an independent vision and a readiness to challenge the status quo . . . and Vivek’s tips for effective political rhetoric.
Through Daring Greatly with Johnny Burtka, alongside notable guests like Vivek Ramaswamy, Lord Andrew Roberts, Allen Guelzo, and Michael Knowles, you will examine the lessons and legacies of history's greatest statesmen and political thinkers.
Click here to watch the newest episode!
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