Victory! Landmark Supreme Court RulingNoncitizens can be removed in 90-day "Quiet Period" nationwide!
Victory! The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Virginia State, upholding its right to remove noncitizen voters from the voter roll within the supposed 90-day “quiet period.” The justices blocked a federal judge’s ruling that put the program on hold and required the state to restore 1,600 voters to the rolls. As we have repeatedly stated, you cannot disenfranchise an illegal voter! The 90-day window shouldn’t apply to proven non-citizens! You can’t disenfranchise illegal voters; you only disenfranchise citizen voters when fraudulent votes are permitted to be cast! The implications of this ruling should serve to empower all states to join the ranks of Alabama, Texas, Ohio, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Virginia—that have committed to cleaning up their voter rolls. In his article “SCOTUS Will Address the Collision of Two Federal Election Laws,” John Mills provides excellent background on this ruling and its importance. WE DEPEND ON YOUR SUPPORT! With your annual subscription, RECEIVE YOUR FREE COPY of my NY Times Bestseller, ‘Because They Hate,’ while supplies last. You are delivering REAL RESULTS with your support! You're currently a free subscriber to Act for America. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |