From Val Benavidez, TFN President <>
Subject Passing the torch
Date October 30, 2024 3:10 PM
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I write to you today with overwhelming pride and gratitude to announce that I will conclude my career with Texas Freedom Network at the end of 2024. It has been my deep honor to have been part of this work for 18 years and to be the organization’s first Latina president.
For almost two decades, I’ve proudly worked alongside my fierce colleagues, our dedicated Board, and our passionate supporters to cement TFN as the leading watchdog of the religious right in Texas. Together, we’ve organized young Texans, people of faith, grassroots activists, and underrepresented communities across the state — from city councils to the Texas Capitol, from local school boards to the State Board of Education — ensuring our voices are heard, and our power is seen.
During my tenure, one of my proudest achievements has been creating our Texas Rising program, which has become one of the nation’s largest state-based programs focused on building the power of young activists — especially young people of color. Our Just Texas program, which mobilizes people of faith for justice, reproductive freedom, and LGBTQIA+ equality, also holds a special place in my heart as a cornerstone of our mission to defend true religious freedom.
As my time at Texas Freedom Network comes to a close and I pass the torch to a new generation of leaders, I know our relentless staff and supporters remain steadfast in building progressive power, empowering young activists, and centering communities of color in Texas’ political landscape. I have immense faith in our Board of Directors, which has initiated a comprehensive search process for TFN's next president to ensure a smooth transition.
Know that I am forever yours in the fight. I will always be part of our movement, and the movement will always be part of me.
In gratitude,
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Val Benavidez (she/her/ella)
TFN President
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TFN is a statewide non-partisan, grassroots organization that is building an informed and effective movement working toward equality and social justice.
Texas Freedom Network
P.O. Box 1624
Austin, TX 78767
United States
Phone: (512) 322-0545
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