Watch a talk with Jeremy Brecher on Strike! 50th Anniversary Edition and recent wildcat strikes, read an excerpt on Labor Notes, and preorder the book on Kickstarter(discount does not apply since we're raising funds to publish the book).
Tuesday, May 12th at 6pm EST / 3pm PST. Register here.
Jenny Brown, author of Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight over Women’s Work and Without Apology: The Abortion Struggle Now, Amelia Bonow, cofounder and coeditor of Shout Your Abortion, and Marie Solis of VICE will be in conversation on the history of organizing for reproductive freedom to support current movements for reproductive justice.
Sponsored by Verso Books, PM Press, National Women’s Liberation, Shout Your Abortion, NYC DSA Socialist Feminists, and VICE, and part of #RadicalMay Radical Publisher Alliance.