John — despite being pummeled with over $6 MILLION in false TV attack ads from Josh Hawley’s campaign and billionaire-funded Super PAC, new polling shows that we’ve put this race in a STATISTICAL TIE.

With this new data, we can be sure that Hawley and all his allies will do absolutely everything they can in the final days of this election to tear me down, undermine our movement, and tip the scales in their favor. But I know with you on my team, and this historic grassroots momentum on our side, we can accomplish everything we need to defeat Josh Hawley in exactly one week.
So John, will you rush a donation of $10 or whatever you can to my campaign today so we can fight back against Hawley’s attacks, keep our closing message in front of voters, and flip this Senate seat next Tuesday?
If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:
We have a real chance to defeat Josh Hawley and take Missouri’s Senate seat back for real working families — and we absolutely can’t waste it.
Thanks for all your help,