
Since launching this campaign, I’ve talked to voters all across the country. And one thing I’ve noticed is that Democrats don’t all agree on what issue is most important right now. Some say climate change; many cite healthcare. Some are most concerned with jobs or the wave of mass shootings. Some want to bring our troops home from Afghanistan, some want immigration reform, and others want us to actually step up and confront Russia.

But here’s something we all agree upon: we can’t do any of it without good leadership.

We have the technology to confront climate change. We know how to save lives by taking weapons of war off our streets. We have plans to give everyone in America good healthcare that doesn’t break the bank. And we know how to create a humane immigration system that upholds our values, doesn’t put kids in cages, and encourages people to come here legally.

But none of that will happen unless we elect new leaders who have the courage to act.

That’s why I’m running for president. I agree with the Americans I meet: There’s a complete lack of leadership on the most important issues at the highest levels of our government, and we can’t afford to sit back and wait for that to change.

We need to step up and change it ourselves. Let’s do it in 2020.
