We’re deadlocked in the polls, and my opponent is calling in CNN to do his dirty work

Fellow American,

When I launched my campaign for Pennsylvania's U.S. Senate seat against an entrenched career politician in one of the most competitive battleground states, I knew I was opening myself and my family up to attacks from the Left. 

But what I didn’t expect is how BLATANT the left-leaning media would be when it came to spreading out-right LIES about me, exposing the deep CORRUPTION about how they are doing the dirty work for the Left and trying to pass it off as “journalism.” 

Let me explain what's happening now.  

FIRST, CNN put out a hit piece on me to help my opponent, liberal Bob Casey get ahead in this #1 Battleground Senate race.

CNN ignored the facts to help Bob Casey

THEN, The Wall Street Journal and Larry Kudlow came out swinging to push back against CNN’s blatant lies and attacks.
CNN and Sen. Bob Casey's Economic Illiteracy
Dems Attack GOP for Private Sector Experience

NOW, I need YOUR HELP to fight back against these attacks!

At West Point, we had a code: cadets don't lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do. CNN and Bob Casey are lying about me, and I won't tolerate it.

In order to fight back against the constant barrage of attacks and lies from the Democrats and liberal media, I need your help NOW. Will you please rush in a donation right away?
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There’s no other explanation. CNN is putting their thumb on the scale to help another liberal career politician. They ignored the facts to help Bob Casey.

As the Wall Street Journal said, CNN is “peddling economic illiteracy disguised as investigative reporting.” I need your help to stand up to the liberal mainstream media. Will you please chip in to my campaign now?

The fact is, while I was CEO, Bridgewater bet IN FAVOR of Pennsylvania companies. Period.

I’ve always fought for Pennsylvanians, and I always will. My track record is clear. But if we’re going to go up against the left’s lies, I need your help.

Right now, I’m running in the #1 Battleground Senate race that will decide the Senate majority. Pennsylvanians have already begun casting their ballots, Election Day is now just under 3 weeks away, and polls show my opponent and me in a deadlock. 

I'll be straight. It's not always easy, and it's why some people who want to serve decide not to run for public office. But as I’ve said before, the West Point code of ethics still rings true to this day: cadets don't lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.

The bottom line: Winning this race during the final stretch requires your help. The liberal media is doing everything they can to help Bob Casey and the Senate Democrats. I am counting on YOU!

Will you please pitch in a donation of any amount right away?

Thank you, 
Dave McCormick


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