When children aren't given their vaccines old pandemics have the chance to come back. A new date for the Milton Friedman Dinner.
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May 12, 2020
School Classroom ([link removed] )
Adapting Education to COVID-19 ([link removed] )
Although the pandemic has brought significant hardship to families and their children, the education system can adapt to COVID-19 and even end up working better for students in the future.
- How the Education System Can Adapt to COVID-19 ([link removed] )
By Corey A. DeAngelis
Coronavirus - sized ([link removed] )
Reactions to COVID-19 Might Revive Old Viruses ([link removed] )
It would be a great tragedy to see new pandemics, from pathogens previously believed to have been defeated, arise from the ashes of the current pandemic.
- Will This Novel Virus Revive Older Ones? ([link removed] )
By Jeffrey A. Singer
US North Korea Flags ([link removed] )
The U.S. Shouldn’t Get Involved with North Korea ([link removed] )
Washington is apparently preparing for military action in the event that Kim’s regime collapses. That’s a terrible idea.
- If North Korea Goes Down, the U.S. Should Stay Out ([link removed] )
By Doug Bandow
Friedman21_MYC_FINAL ([link removed] )
New Date for the Milton Friedman Prize ([link removed] )
Please save the new dates for the Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty Award Dinner and the Cato Benefactor Summit. We hope you will join us in New York City next year to honor Milton Friedman’s legacy, recognize our Milton Friedman Prize recipient, and enjoy a day of policy sessions and fellowship at the Benefactor Summit.
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