This Sunday, May 17 is International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexphobia and Transphobia, a day where we stand with our LGBTQI2S colleagues, family, friends and community. Join us this week as we celebrate LGBTQI2S people and draw attention to the continued discrimination our community is facing. This year, the international IDAHOBIT theme is Breaking the Silence. During these unprecedented times, it's important that we speak up for vulnerable LGBTQI2S people. We've included a number of shareable resources below that can help with your IDAHOBIT activities. Although today IDAHOBIT is celebrated around the world, it actually originated right here in Canada. In 2012, our friends at Fondation Émergence in Quebec started this significant day and it has since taken the world by storm. In addition to celebrating the global theme of IDAHOBIT, together with Fondation Émergence, Egale is celebrating Canada's national 2020 IDAHOBIT theme of Family. There are dozens of free resources available in French and English on the Fondation Émergence website. We know that many are struggling with family during this time and our team at Egale continues to create resources and supports for those in need. During the COVID-19 pandemic, and in recognition of IDAHOBIT, we're encouraging everyone to send love and support to your family, whether they are chosen family, close friends, relatives or a mixture. Here are just a few online resources that you can share with your networks (or even use for yourself): Visit our website for more resources and stay tuned for some exciting IDAHOBIT events coming up later this week - Follow us on social media for updates. | |
 Helen Kennedy, Executive Director | |