New technology just revealed that the world’s biggest meat company is destroying more than a football field A DAY of precious Amazon rainforest.
For decades, campaigners have been trying to stop JBS as it steals land from Indigenous communities and decimates vast areas of forest. And now we FINALLY have a way to do it.
JBS is desperately trying to go public to open up access to billions more dollars in funding, allowing it to scale up its destruction EVEN MORE. But the Amazon destroyer-in-chief recently warned investors that it may have to delay its plans, giving us a perfect opportunity to stop it for good.
If enough of us quickly chip in, we can unravel JBS’s expansion plans, exposing its shady practices all over the media and making them impossible for regulators to ignore. Then mobilize to lobby governments to rein in the company’s Amazon-destroying ways. Are you in?
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JBS’s CFO recently complained that the questions from regulators related to its efforts to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange were “out of control”. Yet the company is still in an all-out sprint to complete a public offering by the end of this year.
That’s where we come in.
The reality is that the climate-killing company is already under fire on multiple fronts – from corruption to environmental destruction to price-gouging.
New research just exposed that JBS suppliers are responsible for the deforestation of 1.5 million hectares of precious forest over the last 15 years – an area the size of Northern Ireland!
And just days ago, a US union filed allegations against a JBS meat plant in Colorado, accusing the company of human trafficking.
Together we can seize this moment to unleash a massive public pressure campaign on regulators to make sure this meat giant does NOT get the green light to take its company public.
88,522 of us have already signed our petition demanding the SEC cancel the IPO, and now we’re going to turn up the heat even more.
This is the moment we’ve been waiting for to stop the world’s worst destroyer of the Amazon rainforest in its tracks – will you chip in to make it happen?
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We’ve won against JBS before – like when we got Quebec's public pension fund manager to stop investing in JBS after we exposed its role in destroying the Amazon. This time, we can block JBS’s most ambitious move ever and protect the Amazon…but we all need to come together, and fast.
Let’s do this, together.