Judicial Watch announced recently that the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has issued an opinion reversing a lower court
ruling on Mississippi’s election law that permitted absentee ballots to
be received as late as five business days after Election Day.
Because no one is above
the law! |
Oct 28, 2024 |
"When it comes to fighting
for the American people’s ‘right to know,’ no one holds a candle to
Tom Fitton and his team at Judicial Watch" - Sean
Tom Fitton returns with an exhaustive investigation into the progressive
movement’s efforts to dismantle the venerable institutions of American
rights and freedoms.
Order Tom Fitton's
Must-Read Today!
Today's Top Stories
Watch sues Oregon to force state to remove ineligible voters from voter
Just the News
Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch on Wednesday announced a
lawsuit against the state of Oregon, that would force it to remove
ineligible voters from its voter rolls, as mandated by the National
Voter Registration Act.
The voting act requires states to make a “reasonable effort” to remove
voters who have either died or changed residences from their voter rolls.
The voters are removed if they fail to respond to address confirmation
notices, and do not vote in two consecutive federal general elections.
Academy Complacency or Scandal?
RealClear Defense
Over two
years later, it would take a lawsuit by Judicial Watch on behalf of STARRS
to get a federal judge to direct Academy leadership to release the
report. Every page of the 167-page report was inappropriately labeled
For Official Use Only (FOUO) to apparently shield it from the public.
Fifty-two entire pages were fully redacted. Other redactions occurred
on other pages as well. Of the unredacted material, there was no
evidence of racism, let alone systemic racism.
mobilize thousands for poll watching operation
Washington Examiner
That has
led to outside groups, including the conservative watchdog Judicial Watch,
announcing they will partake in their own observation activities in the
vulnerable blue wall state.
“Judicial Watch’s teams will monitor the election in Wisconsin to
expose and deter any fraud,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in
a statement.
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