![]() Dear John, Fox News host, the great Laura Ingraham, said these words: “We need 57 Jeff Sessions (in the Senate),” she said. “We need all Republicans to be like Jeff Sessions.”
Laura knows my record on critical issues like immigration and trade, and knows that I have been a true leader for critical conservative policies that represent what the American people want and expect out of Republican leaders, and too often don’t get.
Likewise, Laura knows I’ve worked tirelessly against globalist trade deals, pushed for fair trade with foreign nations, supported the return of the American manufacturing industry, and stood strong against the Communist Chinese. I have a long track record of putting America First, and that’s why I was the first and most prominent elected official to support President Trump’s campaign, and no one else worked harder for him. Now, I’m ready to continue doing just that as your next U.S. Senator for Alabama. Tommy Tuberville will be happy to join the GOP establishment. He does not understand the importance of a sound immigration policy, and will not be an honorable warrior to fix our broken system. Tommy Tuberville has no record of supporting Republican principles or candidates. And in 2016, as I was on the campaign trail with President Trump, Tommy Tuberville was leading the University of Cincinnati football team to a mediocre 4-8 season. He never volunteered for President Trump. He never donated a dime to President Trump’s campaign. He never even endorsed President Trump. Tommy Tuberville never said a kind word for President Trump during that intense and dramatic campaign that was to shape our nation’s future. We don’t know for sure if he even voted for him. And it looks like he’s never publicly supported any other Republicans at any time, either. Today, Tommy’s own words on trade and immigration show he still doesn’t support the America First agenda. Tommy Tuberville openly advocates for flooding the United States with more foreign workers and amnesty for criminal illegal aliens. Here’s what Tommy Tuberville says: “We got 100,000 people a month coming across the border. We don’t know who they are. We need them. But at least we got to know who they are. “There are people coming across the border that need jobs, okay, and we want them to come over here, we just need to know who’s here, okay. Put the wall up, then we let them come in, and become citizens like we all became citizens.” There you have it. Tuberville says we need illegal aliens. Tuberville says we want illegal aliens to come here. Tuberville says we want illegal aliens to become citizens. Tuberville says he favors huge increases in legal immigration. Believe Tommy when he talks. These are not the words of a senator we can expect to be a vigorous advocate for strong, sensible, and enforceable immigration policies, are they? Tommy Tuberville’s words are the words of Democrats and RINOs. And you can bet that’s how he’ll vote, too. Thank you in advance for your generous contributions. For America,
Republican for U.S. Senate - Alabama In 2020, it is critical that we do not simply roll the dice and elect someone to the U.S. Senate who has no experience and has not demonstrated the slightest interest in conservative principles. Tommy Tuberville wants to be a U.S. Senator, but “wants to” is not enough. He must have the voice, the skill, and the passion to represent your interests. I know Tommy Tuberville’s words. I know what they mean and so do you. They are the words of the amnesty crowd—Democrats and RINOs. They cannot be the words of Alabama’s senator. A proven track record like mine matters, especially when America is facing some of its biggest challenges and the Democrats and RINOs are looking for every opportunity to force their agenda through.