ALERT: Republican groups are outspending us by millions — more than 2:1 — in Colorado’s U.S. Senate Race!

Rush an immediate donation to help us close this gap by Friday’s mid-quarter fundraising deadline. Without your help, we have no chance of flipping this seat:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


Listen: Our opponent already has a major cash-on-hand advantage, and now right-wing groups are swooping in with even more buckets of cash to try to buy this election out from under us.

This is a big deal — not just for our race, but because this election is the Democrats’ best chance to flip a Senate seat. Without winning in Colorado, we have no chance at taking our government back in November.

Whenever Cory Gardner or Mitch McConnell or any of these Washington Republican super PACs need more money, they can just hop on the phone with a big corporate donor to get it. No questions asked. That’s how special interests get their way in McConnell’s Washington.

John refuses to take any money from corporate PACs — instead he’s counting on folks like you to fuel our campaign.

Can John count on you to make a contribution of any amount today to help us fight back against Republican attacks? Anything you can contribute makes a huge difference in this fight:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The people are fed up with the inaction and partisan paralysis in Washington. It’s clear they’re ready for new leadership. But first, we have to win this election, and that starts by combating these Republican attacks.


Team Hick