This is not a joke, John:
YESTERDAY, a “comedian” named Tony Hinchcliffe (we’ve never heard of him either) spewed racist vitriol at a Trump rally in NYC. In addition to saying Black Americans do nothing but carve watermelons and insulting Latino migrants, he had the audacity to call Puerto Rico a “floating island of garbage” on national television.
AT THE EXACT SAME TIME, Kamala Harris released her plan to help build a brighter future for Puerto Rico. She’s determined to bring down the cost of housing, invest in entrepreneurship, and create a brand-new Puerto Rico Opportunity Economy Taskforce to foster economic growth in Puerto Rico.
NOW, it’s up to us to choose between a vision for our nation that brings us forward into the future and one that holds us back in the past.
We shouldn’t even have to say this, John, but Puerto Rico is not an island of garbage. And Puerto Rican Americans deserve a leader who won’t humiliate us on national television.
There’s just eight days left in this race, and young voters like us have to step up and make a difference. So if you haven’t already and you’re ready to move this country forward, will you add your name and personally endorse Kamala Harris for president? |
Let’s do this,
NextGen PAC