From Miriam Karmali, Ekō <>
Subject Hunted little bats
Date October 28, 2024 4:13 PM
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This is beyond spooky – painted woolly bats are being hunted so that
consumers can buy their corpses as Halloween decorations.

Tell Amazon and eBay to ban this grotesque trinket trade before the last
of these stunning creatures disappear: [ [link removed] ]Take Action!

[ [link removed] ] Sign the petition 


Painted woolly bats are selfless little forest guardians, helping to
control pests and pollinate flowers – but a sick Halloween trinkets trend
is fueling demand for their bodies.

They’re being kidnapped from their forest homes across south and
south-east Asia, their dead bodies sold as frivolous Halloween decorations
on platforms like Amazon and eBay. Horrifyingly, the demand from the US is
the biggest threat to the species’ survival!

We can turn this around.

Etsy has already banned the sale of bats – now we have a chance to take
this pressure to boiling point and demand Amazon and eBay follow suit to
stop this grotesque trinket trade.

But they’ll only act if they can feel the heat from tens of thousands of
us around the world.

[ [link removed] ]Tell Amazon and eBay to save painted woolly bats!

It’s totally macabre – Amazon and eBay were found to be awash with the
bodies of these little bats, some sold as jewelry or stuffed in jars.
HUNDREDS of listings were discovered by researchers over a 12-week period
and the majority of vendors were in the US.

These stunning creatures known for their flaming orange and black wings
are at particular risk of dying out because they reproduce so slowly, just
one offspring at a time. But if we can build enough pressure on Amazon and
eBay to stop selling them, demand for these creatures would take a massive
hit and they could finally start to recover in the wild.

At a time when species are disappearing at alarming speed, we have to do
everything we can to save the precious wildlife we have left. This is our
best chance to save these bats before it’s too late – are you in?

[ [link removed] ]Sign the petition to save painted woolly bats.

[ [link removed] ] Sign the petition 

Thanks for all that you do,
Miriam and the team at Ekō

More information:

[ [link removed] ]New Study Highlights U.S. Role in Driving Trade of Imperiled Painted
Woolly Bats Center for Biological Diversity 16 July 2024

[ [link removed] ]‘Senseless’ U.S. trinket trade threatens distinctive Asian bat, study
shows Mongabay 30 August 2024



Ekō is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.

Please help keep Ekō strong by chipping in $3. [link removed]
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