I recently went to the Chelsea Collaborative and Everett Grace Food Pantry to help distribute critical supplies and provide resources about how my office can help residents during this crisis. The COVID-19 virus and economic fallout have disproportionately harmed communities of color and immigrant communities, like Chelsea and Everett. We know this is because our patterns of systemic and institutionalized discrimination have fueled disparate outcomes in health, housing, transportation, the environment and more.  
YOU are protected from evictions and foreclosures, debt collection, utility shutoffs, price gouging, and discrimination. YOU might qualify for cash assistance, unemployment benefits, earned sick time, health insurance coverage, and assistance from non-profit organizations. 
We need to get the word out about these protections and benefits. Public health depends on it.
And remember, if you are injured, sick, need routine care, develop COVID-19 symptoms, or have been exposed to the virus, don’t be afraid to call your doctor. Our hospitals and community health centers are safe, open, and ready to help you. This is true regardless of your immigration status.
Help us spread the word. We’ll continue to keep you in the loop with the latest updates.
Take care,

The Maura Healey Committee
PO Box 15
Boston MA 02137 United States
