
Common Dreams is you.

That's why we want to be 100% upfront with you about our financial situation right now.

Every year we run a Fall Campaign as part of our annual fundraising efforts, but this year is not normal, and these are not normal times. The threat in front of us cannot be overstated. We are on the brink — and it is foolish to say otherwise.

And this is also why we need you now more than ever. Help keep Common Dreams alive and strong in this dark and dangerous moment for democracy, people, and the planet.

We've been on the brink many times, and our readers have always come through. This is the peak of those times. We're counting on you. If we don't get this right, we don't know what comes next. Please stand with us today so we can keep standing with you in the crucial weeks and months ahead.

With solidarity and gratitude,

Kim Monaghan
Board Chair
on behalf of the entire Common Dreams team