Donate by midnight on Friday and help pro-choice Democratic women turn the Senate BLUE!

Hi there,
The heat is ON for Democrats to turn the Senate blue this November.
Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight says Democrats should feel optimistic about flipping the Senate, but Sara Gideon (ME), Theresa Greenfield (IA), Barbara Bollier (KS) and MJ Hegar (TX) will be up against well-funded anti-choice Republican opponents — thanks to Mitch McConnell.
Will you donate $3 to help hit our $150,000 Turn the Senate Blue Fund goal and help pro-choice Democratic women flip the Senate?
A blue Senate means stronger protections for women and families, more women calling for comprehensive abortion access, and better representation in Congress.
But Mitch McConnell won't give up his majority easily. He's already planning on spending millions of dollars to protect his caucus.
We have to make sure our women have the resources to build strong campaigns that can win.
Will you donate $3 now to help reach our $150,000 goal and help flip the Senate?
Thanks for all of your support,
the EMILY's List team
