John, With just over a week to go until Election Day, I’m here to remind you: There is no cavalry coming. No miracle solution. No saviors. It's up to all of us — the voters — to raise our voices and to reject the anti-democracy agenda at the ballot box. We are the cavalry. The responsibility is ours. Right now, a central part of the struggle for freedom and democracy is taking place in the states. As state governments are becoming increasingly responsible for protecting the fundamental rights of the people, MAGA Republicans have put their personal partisan ideology before the will of the people. They know their agenda is deeply unpopular — and they know that unfair maps give them a free pass. In stark contrast, Democrats have pursued common sense policies that are supported by the majority of the people, such as expanding access to affordable health care, protecting voting and reproductive rights, and pursuing gun safety measures. That’s why I’m proud to have endorsed 237 Democracy Defenders who are dedicated to preserving our hard-won democracy and who will protect the fundamental rights of the American people. But John, we still have a lot of work to do in the next 8 days to get out the vote for Democracy Defenders across the country. Thank you,
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