| We're Hispanic women, not half-wits. And yet, the liberal media went above & beyond to portray us as such for standing with President Trump & the America First movement. They called us self-hating race traitors, white nationalists, and everything in between. They said there wasn't a snowball's chance the MAGA movement would respect us, let alone support us. They said the party of Donald J Trump would never trust us to fight back with* them, let alone trust us to fight back for* them. But as of this morning, the Democrats & their bosses in the liberal media have never been closer to utter humiliation & defeat. New polling shows Hispanic voters are trending toward President Trump & the GOP at historic rates. Simply put- if we win the Hispanic vote, the Democrats will never win another election again. Their path to future victories- completely roadblocked. But don't kid yourself, they know this just as much as we do, and that's why Kamala Harris is going to spend millions to squash our momentum, and retake every last inch of our lead. As Hispanic women who believe in hard work & perseverance, the last thing we ever want to do is ask others for help. And we know your support is a gift, not a given. So we won't put a number on it, nor a deadline, just asking you to give what you can, when you can because our country, and our movement need you now more than ever before. God Bless you, and God Bless America. -Anna Paulina Luna & Mayra Flores | | | | | | | |