![]() “The Party
told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” —George Orwell, 1984 Patriot, Since your petitions to Congress began pouring in, the Biden-Harris administration is furiously trying to attack the messenger with false “fact-checking” and other deceptions. The alert Campaign for Liberty sent this past Thursday on the militarization of the police – see the full email below, in case you missed it – is 100% accurate. But you may have seen articles in the media with headlines like “Pentagon: No, troops not authorized to use force against Americans during the election.” This is a common propaganda tactic: mutate the original claim into something else, then attack it as a “straw man.” As our warning accurately noted, the updated directive contains new language allowing the U.S. military to assist federal, state, and local law enforcement with deadly force assets: meaning weapons, tools, intelligence, and assistance. The Pentagon claims that “the policies concerning the use of force by DOD are not new” to hide the fact this assistance is completely new. When the government tells you it’s fighting disinformation, remember the government is the biggest purveyor of disinformation in America. As we noted, no President – not Biden, not Harris, and not Trump – should have the power to use the military to police Americans. If you haven’t already done so, please be sure to send your directive to Congress telling them to stop the militarization of the police. And if possible, after signing, please make a generous contribution to help us continue to inform and mobilize patriots like you. For Liberty, Heather D. Director of Legislative Affairs ------- Forwarded Message ------- From: Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty <[email protected]> Date: Thursday, October 24th, 2024 at 5:19 PM Subject: Martial Law in the USA? To: [email protected] Patriot, American soldiers in full combat gear jump out of a Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle (MRAP). Black Hawk helicopters provide surveillance. Not in a war zone, but in Philadelphia. Preposterous, you’re thinking. America is a free country. Remember Covid? The government loves using an emergency to suspend people’s rights – and after the pandemic, they’ve seen they can get away with it. Right now, it seems likely the next excuse could be the elections that are just 12 days away. On September 27, the Department of Defense revised Directive 5240.01, their directive on providing “intelligence assistance to law enforcement agencies and other civil authorities.” The “updated” directive would allow the U.S. military to assist federal, state, and local law enforcement with deadly force assets in American communities. This directly violates the 150-year old Posse Comitatus Act, which bars federal troops from participating in civilian law enforcement! But the directive claims to use the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, passed post-9/11, for its authority. That’s how the federal government operates. It passes a bill that could be abused, assuring the public it
would never be abused . . . and the basis for abuse lies dormant until one day it gets put into use. That’s why it’s so critical you and I take action right now. No president – whether it’s Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, or Donald Trump – should have the ability to use the military to police American streets with lethal force. We can guess what the Biden-Harris administration had in mind when they updated this directive. We have been told by many people in the mass media that Donald Trump is a threat to America. Even after two attempted assassinations on the former president, the incendiary rhetoric has only escalated. But if the Biden administration actually believes Donald Trump could become a dictator if he is re-elected, why would they give him this ability through this directive? Think about it: If Trump is the threat they claim, why risk giving him the authority to use the military in civilian affairs? It just doesn’t make sense. It makes you wonder if maybe they have another plan in mind: using the election as a pretext to weaken the critical separation between military and civilian government. History tells us what happens when the military is weaponized against a country’s civilian population. We must not allow it to happen in America. Whatever opinion you have of former President Donald Trump, it goes almost without saying the American Deep State wants to destroy him – and would stop at nothing to do so. Remember in 2020, the FBI planned, ordered, and executed a plot to stage a kidnapping of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. This was the conclusion of a jury that found two “conspirators” not guilty because of entrapment. The FBI announced the arrests on October 8, 2020, just in time to influence voters in a swing state. It’s not too late for an “October Surprise,” or a national security incident on Election Day itself. If that sounds fantastical, realize the government has a long history of agitating conflict in the U.S.A. In the 1960s, the FBI encouraged black nationalist organizations to discredit and split the civil rights movement, as part of operation COINTELPRO. The FBI egged on violence on both the left and the right over the years. It’s what they need people to do, because they give the FBI a reason to exist. And for the last eight years, the mass media has been accusing Donald Trump of being an existential threat to democracy. Certainly, some people honestly believe this. And some believe ginning up violence as grounds for preventing a peaceful transition of power is “saving America” – from itself. I certainly hope our fears are unfounded. But we can’t afford to give the government this power and find out later we were right. After you sign your directive, be sure to pass this message on to fellow patriots. With the election around the corner, it’s critical Congress knows the American people are vigilant. And after you sign, please make your most generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty, whether that’s $500, $200, $100, $50, or $25 . . . because this is the final stretch. After the election, Congress will be back for the dreaded “Lame Duck” session, and we need the resources to mobilize against bad legislation at a moment’s notice. So please tell Congress to stop the out-of-control Defense Department, forward this to a friend, and then make a contribution. Thanks for all you do, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director P.S. There are just 12 more days until the election is over . . . but God knows what the Deep State might have in store for us between now and then. The fact the Defense Department issued this revised directive which allows the U.S. military to use “deadly force assets” on U.S. soil against Americans is extremely troubling. Tell your lawmakers that Congress needs to take their power back and put an end to this. TELL CONGRESS RIGHT NOW: STOP THE MILITARIZATION OF THE POLICE. TERMINATE DIRECTIVE 5240.01! And then, if you can, please donate to help keep C4L in the fight! ![]() If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
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Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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