Hello —

This is a long email, but I hope you’ll take the time to read it today. In just a minute, I will ask you to make a donation to my campaign for U.S. Senate before Friday’s fundraising deadline. But first, I’d like to give you an explanation.

Washington is broken. And my opponent, Cory Gardner, is one of the biggest reasons why. Time and again, he votes in lockstep with Mitch McConnell’s right-wing agenda. He refuses to stand up to the president, even when it’s wrong for our state.

That’s why I’m running to replace Gardner with the strong, independent leadership Colorado deserves — especially during a crisis like this. Because while the masks are new, hard times aren’t.

As Governor, we brought all sorts of people together and led our state through some of the most devastating floods and wildfires in our history. We united in the aftermath of one of the country’s worst mass shootings. And our economy grew stronger than any other state in the nation.

Republicans are afraid of our campaign because they know we would try to put an end to the special interests running rampant in Washington. They’re dumping nearly $12 million into Colorado to prop up Gardner, attack my character, and distort my record.

I know we have what it takes to win this race and make real change for the people of Colorado — but only if we have the resources to dispel the GOP’s attacks on our campaign. So, I’m turning to you now:

I’m personally asking you to add a donation to our campaign for U.S. Senate before Friday’s fundraising deadline. Without your support, we won’t be able to respond to the incoming attacks, and our campaign will be at risk.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

As we begin to pull our country out of this crisis, the American people deserve leaders who will put everyday families, small businesses, and workers first — not big corporations, their wealthy buddies, or even themselves.

I’m running to be that leader. I’m confident we will win this election and get our country back on track — but only with your help.

That’s why your donation matters so much right now.

Thank you for all you do,
