The Earth is crying out for help: fires are ripping through tropical forests in Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru. All so corporate giants can have even more land for cattle, palm oil, and the like.
Now the new EU anti-deforestation law (EUDR) that would dramatically help save these vital forests is on the verge of getting killed – and we urgently need your help to save it.
In less than 3 weeks, there’ll be a crucial vote to try and delay the law for a year. The pressure from corporate lobbyists is relentless, and now EU lawmakers are faltering. We need to move fast to turn things around while we still can.
If enough of us chip in, we can unleash a fierce counterattack: ramping up our lobbying at the EU level, targeting key lawmakers with ads, media and direct action outside of Parliament. We’ll give it everything we can until the vote on November 14th – can you chip in to help save our forests?
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If we lose this vote, this game-changing EU law could get gutted completely – and more swaths of precious tropical forests will be decimated. 2024 has been the worst year for Amazon fires in two decades. A forest bigger than the size of Denmark has already burned to the ground.
We don’t have a second to waste.
John, what makes this law so special is just how much impact it can have. It’ll help stop one of the biggest drivers of deforestation everywhere: out-of-control companies. The EU law bans the import, marketing and export of products derived from deforestation, essentially forcing companies that sell everything from beef to paper to finally clean up their supply chains.
Corporate giants know it. That’s why their lobbyists are working so hard to delay – and ultimately kill – this law. The pressure is so intense that even Germany’s minister of agriculture – a member of the Green Party! – has called for a delay.
But together we can fight back and push EU lawmakers to do the right thing when it’s time to vote.
Nearly 1.2 million people in Europe told the European Commission directly they want immediate action. The law is due to go into effect at the end of this year – let’s make sure it does! Can you chip in now?
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