I hope these recipes bring you the same joy and comfort that they bring to me.
The last ten days before Election Day are stressful, John. Trust me, I know! And during stressful times, one of my favorite ways to relax and wind down is to prepare a nice home-cooked meal.
I’ve shared a few of my favorite recipes with you all in the past: paneer tikka masala, chana masala, Andalusian gazpacho, peanut tofu satay, and good old mac-n-cheese… I’m getting hungry just thinking about it!
So today, to help combat all the pre-election anxiety that’s going around, I wanted to share a special bundle of all 5 of these recipes:
Pitch in $3 or any amount that works for you, and we’ll include all 5 recipes on your donation receipt!
I hope these recipes bring you the same joy and comfort that they bring to me. And they’re a great way to fuel up before or after a door-knocking shift, too — just saying. 😉
Make sure to check your ActBlue donation receipt for the recipe information. And when you make them, please feel free to reply to this email with a photo and what you thought of it. I would love to hear what you think!
Back to work,
Pramila Jayapal