Friend, I voted early this week for Kamala Harris and progressives up and down my ballot. If you don’t mind, I’d like to share with you why it was so important to me to vote and vote early. When I was making my voting plan, it was important to me to head to the polls early so that I could be fully available for work on Election Day. Working here at People For the American Way, I feel like I’m on the frontlines of protecting our democracy from the tyranny of Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans. Voting is important to me because my vote is how I can raise my voice and support the candidates that share my values. The issues that mattered most to me when I went to the polls were protecting civil rights for all marginalized people, support for public schools, and fortifying our democratic institutions. We’re collecting stories from our most engaged members about why you voted and what this election means to you. We’re doing this so that we can share messages of hope and our shared values on Election Night. I know there are so many issues we all are considering when we head to the polls, but we are united in our drive to make our voices heard. Your story is important and we’re so grateful to have engaged members like you. The platform that we’ve set up to collect your video or audio stories makes it so easy to share a quick clip. Thank you for your story and for sharing my enthusiasm for getting out the vote on or before November 5! -- Charlie Everett, People For the American Way