

Thank you so much for signing up to volunteer to help reelect Susan Wild to Congress. Talking to other voters about this election is the single most important thing you can do to help Susan win in November - thank you.


We have just over three weeks before the PA primary, and need all the help we can get making phone calls and texting to get out the vote and talk about how to vote by mail this year.


Can we count on your help by making phone calls or sending text messages in the next three weeks?


Sign up to make calls here!


Sign up to send text messages here!



If you are at all nervous about either of these - I'm here to help! Just reply to this email and we can set up a time for me to help you make phone calls from home and/or send texts.


We also having training for both Text banking and Phone Banking this Thursday if you’re interested!


Sign up here for the Training


Lastly, On May 13th, come join Rep. Susan Wild on Zoom to talk about how you can help push out the vote for this June 2nd Democratic Primary in PA-07.


Sign Up for Event Here!




Thank you for volunteering with us. It is so important, and we are so lucky to have you on our side in this election.


My best,

David Mills