We have three interesting numbers for you, John.
As November fast approaches, we have three interesting numbers for you, John — check them out below: ⤵️
Supporters like you have made 1,156 individual contributions totaling over $31k to more than 90 organizations and candidates — all of whom share our commitment to fighting for a better and brighter tomorrow.
While that may seem like a small drop in the bucket, your contributions have been essential to helping progressives organize and mobilize voters across the country in the lead-up to the most consequential election of our lifetimes.
With less than two weeks to go, we’d like to take the opportunity to personally say thank you, John! It’s been quite a year and we’re looking to finish it strong.
In these final days, every donation and every dollar chipped in counts. It can be the difference between winning and losing an election. And we can’t afford to fall short on this one.
Can you dig deep and pitch in $27.15 — our average donation for the year to the ACLU, Innocence Project, Progress 2025, and Sunrise Movement? Each one of these grassroots-powered organizations are fighting to make our communities and country a better place.
Your contribution will be split between the following organizations: the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Innocence Project, Progress 2025, and Sunrise Movement.
In solidarity,
— LeftNet