Join together with your community for the September climate strikes.

Hi John,

I'm Krishna Ariola, and I'm a 21-year old climate activist from the Philippines. For decades, my province has been caught in a tug-of-war between coal and renewable energy.

I'm writing to ask you to join me and millions around the world to strike for the climate this September. 

Find a local climate strike near you, or organize one.

The story of the struggle against coal in my home province, Negros Occidental, started the same year I was born, in 1997.

4 proposed coal plants, countless mobilizations, and 22 years later: not a single coal-fired power plant has been built on our beautiful island. Thanks to women-led grassroots campaigns, we’ve won momentous victories and since then, we have been dubbed the renewable energy capital of the Philippines, and the solar power capital of Southeast Asia.

My people have won many battles to protect our province from coal, but we have yet to win the war. That’s why on September 20, I’ll be on the streets of Negros Occidental, Philippines, with millions worldwide striking for a safe climate and a better future.

Join together with people where you live for the September climate strikes.

Many say that adults have failed us — but mine is a different story. My parents and grandparents stood strong in protecting our province. They made it clear they would not allow energy development to come at the expense of ecosystems, the climate, and our people. My generation owes it to them to continue this fight.

That’s why I joined over 2000 youth climate strikers to protest in front of the provincial capital last March calling on our Governor to declare Negros Occidental a coal-free province.  And he did. Once again in June over 1000 youth and community members greeted a newly elected Governor to ensure they’d uphold that promise and create a Negros Renewable Energy Council to coordinate all programmes in the province. You can win progress like this where you live too — we’ve shown that people power works.

Don’t wait. Sign up now to attend or host a Climate Strike event where you live.

My home province in the Philippines is fortunate enough to have already paved a path to renewable energy. I hope you can find inspiration in our story of multigenerational grassroots struggle, and join us on September 20th to hold elected officials accountable where you live.

The Philippines and other climate vulnerable nations have had enough. We won’t wait for governments to take the bold climate action our planet needs, and neither should you.

Stand in solidarity with us and help make the climate strikes in September a turning point not just for the Philippines, but for nations around the world. Talk to your leaders, engage your community, and be brave enough to imagine a better future. That’s how we’ll build a more just and sustainable world, together.

Sincere thanks,


Youth Strike for Climate Philippines

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