Child labour on cocoa plantations, land-grabbing from Indigenous communities, and a destructive railway through the Amazon are all the result of Cargill’s greedy $47 billion business of destruction and exploitation.
In the shadows, the Cargill-MacMillan family is making a killing from the destruction and exploitation plaguing the company's supply chain. Last year, we exposed the family and forced Cargill to commit to ending the destruction of forests and other ecosystems in Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina by 2025.
But while 2024 is almost over and our planet is suffering, Cargill has nothing to show for it. Cargill needs to urgently put its money where its mouth is and clean up its supply chain.
Sign the petition: tell the Cargill-MacMillan family to keep its promise and clean up its supply chain.
Deforestation to make way for Cargill’s soy crops is also contributing to the climate catastrophe. There’s less trees to absorb carbon emissions. More extreme fires and floods fueled by the climate crisis that are forcing hundreds of thousands of Brazilians this year alone to flee their homes.
The Cargill-MacMillan family is one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in the world with more individual billionaires than any other family on Earth. It’s time for the family to take responsibility for what their corporation is doing.
If enough of us sign the petition we can take it right to the Cargill-MacMillan family and they won’t be able to ignore this. Let’s dial up the pressure now and call on them to fulfil and expand its commitment to stop deforestation and stop human rights abuses throughout its supply chain.
Tell the Cargill-MacMillan family: keep your promise.
When we come together we can make corporations change. Ekō, together with partners, has already forced big companies like Kelloggs and Mars to clean up palm oil supply chains. Let’s do it again.