Hi Friend,

During this difficult time, it’s more important than ever to make it easy for Americans to work. 

Over 20 million people have lost their jobs due to COVID-19. Those who can work shouldn’t be held back by unnecessary government regulations or occupational licensing requirements. 

That’s why Independent Women’s Forum launched “Chasing Work” today.
Chasing Work is a campaign that highlights the need to reduce government-imposed barriers to work in fields like nursing, social work, and other industries. 

Some of the only good news that has come out of the coronavirus pandemic is that we’ve seen some policymakers getting rid of red tape. States like New York and Virginia made regulatory changes to allow nurses and doctors from other states to practice there. 

This is a step in the right direction. But it’s just that: a step. We need to keep moving forward to remove more regulations and red tape. Needlessly burdensome and complicated licensing laws were a problem before the coronavirus pandemic and will still be a problem after. 

That’s why we’re highlighting this issue: to foster permanent reforms to make it easier for millions of Americans to work and pursue their own vision of the American Dream.

Through Chasing Work, we will share stories of people who have struggled because of job-killing regulations. We’ll also tell stories of people who have been able to use their training and passion to help during this coronavirus crisis because of deregulation and other reforms.  

Friend, take a look at these Chasing Work stories. And share your, your friend’s, or your loved one’s story. 

We need your help to build support for change to give more Americans the opportunity to find fulfilling work.   

Thank you for your support, and stay safe. 

Patrice Onwuka
Senior Policy Analyst
Independent Women’s Forum
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