Become a member and help us continue to build a party that makes us proud to be Greens!
Interested in joining the Illinois Green Party? Sign up using one of the options below, or see our Membership FAQ for more information!
As the only established political party in Illinois that does not take corporate donations or dark-money PAC/501 contributions, we rely on membership dues to fund our operations. Members may pay dues monthly ($10/month minimum) or annually ($60/year base level, with a $12/year low-income option).
Dues payments above the minimum level will be used to sponsor low-income memberships, so please consider a larger dues payment if your income allows!
Benefits of Membership
- Nominate and vote for candidates in ILGP officer elections
- Vote on the recognition and endorsement of ILGP candidates
Submit and vote on changes to the ILGP Platform and Bylaws
- Join in the founding of new local Chapters of the ILGP
- Join and vote in local Chapters of the ILGP (unless otherwise provided by local Bylaws)
- Join, lead, or found Committees of the ILGP, and vote on Committee decisions (unless otherwise provided by Committee rules)