
It can’t be sugar-coated: Donald Trump is on the verge of a full-on fascist takeover of the United States. If he wins, things won’t only be worse than last time — they’ll never be the same again.

Democrats have utterly failed to lead an effective resistance. The never-Trump Republicans have been stomped on. The right-wing majority of the Supreme Court is in his pocket. The corporate media has proved incapable of meeting this challenge.

The last line of defense is people who understand what’s at stake — activists, writers, thinkers, doers, and everyday people who see what is happening, know in their hearts that a better world is possible, and are willing to fight for it.

You are one of the good people Common Dreams was built for. We provide independent news, progressive opinion, and crucial analysis on the day's most important issues. Our mission has always been simple: To inform. To inspire. To ignite change for the common good. But to keep publishing and remain strong in these dangerous times, we need your support.

So we’re asking you today: Will you donate to our Fall Campaign and support Common Dreams' mission and work?

The world needs you now more than ever — and so do we.

With solidarity and gratitude,

Kim Monaghan
Board Chair
on behalf of the entire Common Dreams team