Beagles are being bred to suffer, used as disposable tools in cruel laboratory experiments, and then discarded like old equipment — all for corporate profit.
This hidden industry, legal in both the UK and the USA, breeds beagles on factory farms for testing by Big Pharma and major cosmetic brands. These gentle dogs endure lives of misery, subjected to toxicity testing, pharmaceutical research, and trials for big cosmetic corporations, only to be killed when no longer needed.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Beagles are not lab equipment; they are sentient beings who deserve compassion and respect.
There’s hope — countries like Belgium have already banned beagle factory farming. Now, it’s time to take this fight global, starting with the UK and the USA. We need your support to end this cruelty once and for all.
Sign the petition to demand that the UK and US governments ban the breeding of beagles for experiments.
The secrecy surrounding beagle factory farms makes it hard to know the true scale of this cruelty. In 2022, reports revealed that at least 60,000 dogs were used in experiments across the US alone, with possibly countless more suffering globally.
Beagles are chosen for these experiments because of their sweet and docile nature, making them easy to handle and exploit in labs. They are kept in tiny cages, often forced to live in their own filth, and suffer unimaginable anxiety and distress — only to be euthanized when they’re no longer needed.
Despite technological advances that prove animal testing is outdated and an unnecessary practice, these innocent animals continue to endure horrific treatment in the name of “science” and profit. But together, we can stop it. Sign the petition to oppose this cruelty.
Sign Now: End the Breeding of Beagles for Experiments!
We need your help to elevate this campaign to the next level. Together, we can fight to ensure that no more beagles suffer in the name of profit.