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Extra things to thank Moms for in 2020

May 09, 2020 08:59 am
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On Mother’s Day, learn how COVID-19 is impacting moms and make their extraordinary contribution visible.
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Take Five: "What we are going through right now is a life lesson for everyone."

May 08, 2020 05:11 pm
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Natalia Klinsky Amelunge is a 28-year-old doctor working on the front lines of COVID-19 at the National Health Fund in Bolivia and the Anita Leigue Municipal Health Center. She spoke with UN Women about the challenges that women face in the front-line response and what we can learn from them. In Bolivia, UN Women has launched public communication campaigns to make women’s role visible and to prevent the shadow pandemic of violence against women. In coordination with the government, UN Women is also distributing food, clothing and other necessities in migrant camps bordering Chile.
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Op-ed: We cannot allow COVID-19 to reinforce the digital gender divide

May 06, 2020 02:27 pm
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UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka and CEO of Plan international Anne-Birgitte Albrectsen highlights the alarming lack of connectivity girls, women, and marginalized groups continue to face as the COVID-19 pandemic has moved so many aspects of daily life online.
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Youth volunteers combat online misinformation on COVID-19 in Arab States

May 06, 2020 01:41 pm
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As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, emerging evidence shows that underlying gender inequalities are exacerbated by this crisis. As observed in previous pandemics, women are -and will be- disproportionately affected in myriad ways, including by an increased incidence of domestic violence, loss of jobs and increased unpaid care burden. Previous experiences also indicate that failing to collect gender-disaggregated data can have a negative impact in the effectiveness of the response and recovery efforts.
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From where I stand: “Domestic workers should also be entitled to a salary during times of crisis”

May 05, 2020 03:48 pm
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Ana Paula Soares, 27, has been her family’s breadwinner since 2017. When the COVID-19 crisis came to Timor-Leste, she lost her income as a domestic worker with no way to support her family. Her story reflects the hardship that millions of women now face, as workers in the informal economy.
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