For some, this time of year evokes memories of jumping into leaf piles and picking pumpkins. But for the more than 35 million people in the U.S. living with chronic lung diseases, falling temperatures warn of a rise in potentially life-threatening illnesses like flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
To ensure everybody has access to lung health resources and support this fall, we're partnering with the clean-air experts at ProTeam to DOUBLE gifts up to $50,000 before October 30.
Make a 2X MATCHED gift today to help people everywhere breathe easier.
Your donation saves lives.
Here's how:
The Lung HelpLine offers crucial support during surges in flu and RSV cases, answering all lung-related questions and helping connect callers to vital resources.
Outreach programs to make sure the public knows about RSV prevention, including lifesaving immunizations for older adults and infants. |
Help prevent the flu by tackling misconceptions, informing the public on how to prevent infection and advocating for wider access to flu vaccines.
Donate Now
If you think RSV and the flu aren’t urgent threats to lung health, think again. Complications related to these viral airborne illnesses can be deadly for older adults, infants and people with asthma and other lung diseases.
In fact, each year up to 49,000 people in the United States die from the flu, and RSV drives as many as 240,000 hospitalizations. We’re on a mission to change that, but we can’t do it without your help.
Donate before October 30 and your gift will be 2X MATCHED up to $50,000 to help people everywhere breathe easier.
Matching gifts cannot be applied to events or current monthly gifts.