The actress and producer will interview Stacey Abrams, María Teresa Kumar and Marc Elias in our next virtual live event..
You’re invited! ([link removed])
** Election Roadmap: ([link removed]) Eva Longoria and Voting Rights Activists on What To Expect One Week Out ([link removed])
OCT. 28 AT 7 P.M. ET
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Join us for a free, live event ([link removed]) featuring actress and producer Eva Longoria in conversation with voting rights leader Stacey Abrams, Voto Latino president María Teresa Kumar and Democracy Docket founder Marc Elias.
They’ll kick off the final week before Election Day with an exciting discussion answering two key questions: what could happen between now and the election and what should we expect to happen after? Secure your spot for this star-studded panel today ([link removed]) !
REGISTER HERE ([link removed])
Also next week
** The Race to Certify: What Happens After Election Day ([link removed])
OCT. 29 AT 7 P.M. ET
[link removed]
On Tuesday, Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. ET, Democracy Docket is hosting a free, live panel discussion featuring Congressman Jamie Raskin, political commentator Brian Tyler Cohen and Marc Elias. They’ll give a status update one week out from the election and preview what to expect in the post-election, especially if things don’t go Trump’s way — reserve your spot today ([link removed]) !
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