John --

We are going to get through the coronavirus outbreak together. If you are experiencing symptoms or are looking for more information, you can visit the website of the CDC or the West Virginia Department of Health. We are closely monitoring the situation and its effects on the people of West Virginia and our nation as we work together to keep our families and communities safe.


I'm running for Attorney General for one simple purpose: to protect our people, just like you and me.  That is why I have remained the top fundraiser and earned endorsements from across the spectrum---from labor to law enforcement to healthcare providers. So many of us are struggling now, and we need results.

It’s time to put an end to Patrick Morrisey’s attacks on our healthcare and working families once and for all, but I can’t do it without you. Please chip in, just as much as you're able, to power our campaign in this historic moment!

As your Attorney General, I'm going to do what I've done throughout my career as a lawyer, advising Senator Byrd on labor issues, and representing miners statewide: stand up for regular folks who are tired of getting pushed around and being denied the wages and benefits they earned, and healthcare they deserve.


The story of this campaign has been featured in major papers recently: The Martinsburg Journal, Herald-Dispatch, Times West Virginian, and more. Read more about my recent statewide spokesmanship on Right-to-Work (on WVVA with Morrisey; Parkersburg News & Sentinel), consumers' rights (West Virginia Channel statewide), and workers' health and safety during COVID (WVVA). Many more news clips are on the website.

West Virginians deserve an Attorney General who will fight for them instead of one who is fighting to take healthcare away from hundreds of thousands of us, especially during these trying times. While West Virginians are worrying about staying safe and healthy, our Attorney General is actively trying to take away our health care.

Enough is enough!

The people of West Virginia deserve an Attorney General who is a champion for all our citizens and the ideals America was founded on: liberty and justice for all. It's time for a change. Will you join us?

Stay strong and stay in touch, 

Sam Petsonk for Attorney General

Sam Petsonk for Attorney General · United States
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