From Sami & Chloe, Stand Up America <[email protected]>
Subject Trump wants a younger Clarence Thomas
Date October 23, 2024 2:04 PM
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[1]Stand Up America

Today marks 33 years since 43 year-old Clarence Thomas was sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice, making him the prime example of what happens when you appoint someone on the younger side to the highest Court in the land. They can sit on the bench with unchecked power for decades.

Since 1991, Clarence has racked up quite the dishonorable list of decisions and deeds: 

Trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act? Check. 

Hacking away at gun safety laws? Check.

Overturning Roe v. Wade? Check

Dancing on Roe v. Wade’s grave by openly suggesting the Court should reconsider marriage equality and contraception access? Check, check, and check.

Donald Trump can’t want to appoint more justices like Clarence Thomas. It’s up to us to stop him.

We need to vote in a president who will choose justices who actually care about our rights and won’t be so easily bought off by MAGA billionaires. There’s still time to help get people to the polls and get Kamala Harris into the Oval Office to make that a reality. Click here to start sending letters to would-be voters today.

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Only stupid people swear in older justices—just ask Donald Trump. 

In a recent interview with Bloomberg, he bragged about placing three justices on the bench during his time in the White House, all of whom were younger than 55 at the time they were sworn in. But Trump wouldn’t mind bringing on justices who are even younger. In May, he said,“we like people in their thirties so they’re [on the bench] for 50 years or 40 years.” 

Just like Clarence Thomas. 

If Donald Trump wins on November 5th, Clarence Thomas may finally ride off into the sunset with his billionaire besties and treasonous wife, allowing Trump to replace him with someone in their thirties. We can’t let that happen. Send letters to unlikely voters today to make sure Trump can’t pick Clarence Thomas’ replacement. 

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Thanks for all that you do. 

Sami and Chloe
Digital Team, Stand Up America
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