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A message from League of United Latin American Citizens
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LULAC Wishes Moms
Feliz Día De Las Madres
Three LULAC National Presidents Share Their Personal Message
“Sometimes in the darkest of days, it may seem like the sun will never shine
again. And yet, that is when we learn to appreciate a beautiful day more than
ever. On this Mother’s Day 2020 during the pandemic, I am more appreciative than
ever of the role nuestras madres have in keeping our familias feeling safe, loved
and nurtured. I know we love them more than ever and are thankful to God for our
mothers, whether they are still with us or with us in our memories and souls. I
am also reminded of the privilege of having served as the first woman elected to
National President of LULAC and for other women who have achieved important
leadership roles within an organization we each love and respect. LULAC is our
maternal example of defending millions of its children, now 60 million strong
throughout the United States. We are one community and must remind ourselves and
others of the need to continue defending those whose voice cries out for help
during these difficult days. Thank you to each and every member and may this
Mother’s Day mark the beginning of the road to our nation’s recovery and may God
Bless America.”
Siempre Con Ustedes,
Belen Robles
On this Mother’s Day, I think of Ramona Mora Salazar, my mother and the woman who
inspired me to act on this world of indifference to our community. It was her
legacy of leadership in La Union Fraternal Latina Americana, as Presidenta de
Festejos, that has left a lasting impression on myself and my five sisters. She
never took her eyes off her mission to serve her community. I still remember how
she would call me to take her to the voting polls, she did not know how to drive.
The most important part of that legacy is how she involved us in all her
community activities. She did it for her children and other families with great
sacrifice and determination. That is also the spirit de nuestras mujeres de LULAC
that has stayed with me throughout my service from the local council level to
National President. The women of our great organization are working at every
level fighting for education, health care, veterans, seniors, other women and so
much more. El trabajo nunca se acaba. That’s why for me Mother’s Day is always a
time to be thankful for the strength and courage Hispanic women are showing
through some very hard times right now. Whether they are waiting as refugees at
the border, living inside a detention center, a jail cell or trying to raise
their families alone, they have my respetos. Yes, may the thoughts and memories
of all mothers be like gold today. Feliz Dia De Las Madres a todas las madres y
sus familias y que celebren las memorias de oro de sus madres.
Con Todo Cariño
Rosa Rosales
“The message that I wish to convey to my fellow LULAC members on this Mother’s
Day is of hope and optimism that we will come out of this period of time, a
stronger community and a nation with a strong spirit ready for the future. In our
families, mothers are often the first to get up and the last to retire for the
evening. Mothers also perform the delicate task of raising families and
maintaining a career. An added challenge is educating their children at home
while facing a serious pandemic in this country while a great number also face
the prospect of sudden unemployment and financial hardship; witness the long
lines at the food banks. Yet, I am confident that women are rising to confront
these daily challenges as we always have, placing a smile on our face even as
inside, we are quietly carrying the load of worry for what may yet be ahead. For
this, I salute all the doctors, nurses, teachers and first responders for their
work during this difficult time. The privilege of being elected as National
President of LULAC while my own mother, Carmen Guzman, who this year celebrates
her 100th birthday watched on, was one of the most gratifying moments of our
lives together. I will never forget the joy we shared, not just for ourselves,
but for every mother and every woman in that assembly hall. Also, it was her
words of encouragement and love that carried me through both the opportunities as
well as the challenges faced as a leader of LULAC and the confidence she
instilled in me since I was a little girl. ‘You can do anything you want hija’,
she would tell me and today I say to all mothers, thank you for being that voice
of si se puede to your sons and daughters.”
Feliz Día de las Madres,
Margaret Moran
# # #
The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and
oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans
and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000
councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and
advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of
today and the future. For more information, visit www.LULAC.org [ [link removed] ] .
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