IMPORTANT: You may view this email using your home email on your personal computer, smart phone, or other electronic device when not on government property. BUT, this information should not be downloaded using government equipment, read during duty time, or sent to others using government equipment, because it involves taking an election related action and could be a violation of the Hatch Act. Do not forward this email to government or home email addresses as it contains AFGE member information specific to you.
Dear AFGE Activist,
We're just two weeks away from Election Day!
Now is the time to make sure you're ready to cast your vote this November. Take the time to connect with your friends, family, union siblings and neighbors to ensure they are prepared to participate in the democratic process.
Knowing your status is an important step in making your voice heard in local and national elections. You can find more information about your state's voting laws and deadlines through Ballot Ready.
And don't forget, early voting is well underway in some states. Click here to find the early voting schedule in your state.
Let's make sure we're well prepared on November 5 to cast our votes!
In Solidarity,
For the latest AFGE news and information, follow us on:
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